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Understanding & Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Week 6

ITEM #34

Embed Slidedeck

I had to research how to do this one in order to embed instead of link to the slideshow. I like that embedding keeps you from having to click away from the page you're currently on and you can just see the slides and move on. No clicking away, re-directing, clicking back, etc. 


For this sample, I used my section of slides from a recent group presentation project.

Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 8.17.12 PM.png

ITEM #37

Design Matters!

Please find my Google Slide design based on the principles that Garr Reynolds follows. The text design was created in Google Slides with the available fonts/formatting and the image is a stock photo from, a public domain image site that I use quite often in my other design work. I love Garr Reynolds and it was nice to refresh my design thinking since it's been quite some time since I've heard him present. Using his design theory in future classroom presentations will help keep the students engaged and motivated.


Week 8

ITEM #44

Embed a Google Form

Embedding the Google Form for my previous Assessment was very easy with the Wix html code frame. I just had to copy and paste the code from the form and insert it here.


This would be an easy and great way to direct students to forms online without having to login to Google forms in order to process their submission.

ITEM #45

Link within Txt

I love using this type of simplification when trying to redirect to external links in the text. For example, instead of having to input the long web address you could just say click here.


By clicking the link you then simply open the page to learn more. In this example, I linked my text to a piano tutorial I was using yesterday to teach myself chords for a song I like.

ITEM #46

Premiere Pro -Movie

I chose to use the video creator software Adobe Premiere Pro which is part of my Creative Suites programs that I have access to but do not use. I've wanted to learn the basics of this program for some time but lacked the time or desire to dive in. I now have a good handle on the very basic set-ups to the program and it's quite intuitive.


I feel like I'll be using this more in the future to help put together a visual storytelling in the classroom.

Week 14

ITEM #70

Screencastify Video

I could see myself using this a TON! I absolutely love the fact that I can create easy tutorials using a tool like screencastify and have a ready to distribute, quality video in minutes.


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